Thursday, February 6, 2014

#8 - A Gift Unexpected, Request For Forgiveness

Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts, “Why does this man speak thus? It is blasphemy! Who can forgive sins, but God alone?”—Mark 2:6-7 (RSV)

Gwen LaVelle

When I was divorced in 1982, I needed the love and support of my old high school youth group leaders. I hadn’t seen Jeff and Gwen in years and was living in another state, but when I contacted them I was in for a rude awakening. Their harsh condemnation was crushing and for years I carried a deep sense of grief and loss.

In 2008 I returned to Arizona for the first time in 36 years. A friend told me Gwen wanted to see me. I was surprised—and not that sure I wanted to see her. But how could I not?

Waiting for her at my friend Carol’s house, I paced the floor. I'd determined I wasn't going to let the loss pass without comment, but I wasn't sure how to handle it. I'd never stopped loving Gwen and her condemnation was a badly healed wound.

To my surprise, Gwen came up the walk and gave me her beautiful smile, a smile I've never forgotten and which has returned to me over the years in the most unexpected moments. She gave me a well-remembered hug, too; and before I could catch my breath she gave me a warm and weepy apology.

Me 2008
Her condemnation, she explained, had been bothering her for years, and she'd prayed for years that God would give her an opportunity to tell me just how how sorry she was. “I was young," she said. "I was stupid, I followed the script. Will you forgive me?"

Forgive Gwen? Refuse a gift I never expected? Sometimes forgiveness is sooo easy.

Prayer: Thank you for never forgetting the barrenness of our grief and loss, and sometimes allowing restoration to that which was lost through forgiveness born of you.

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